Shopping bag

House number as a separate field in orders

March 2022

Clients enter street and house number separately when ordering, so that the house number can no longer be forgotten. This keeps shipping problems to a minimum after ordering photos from the online store.

Disable message when client order

March 2022

For photo orders, some photo studios do not want clients to leave a message about the order because it could be used for change requests and image adjustments. You can decide whether the client may still write you a message in the cart or not.

Note above the cart

October 2021

You can place an individual notice above the cart, which will then be clearly visible to all clients when ordering.

Order process in photographer store as tunnel

October 2021

When clients want to complete the order in the cart, we hide the main navigation at the top of the page so that the client is not distracted from the ordering process. This leads to higher order completions and directs the focus on the order. Potential exit points from the shopping process are thus avoided.

Once the order is placed, the client sees the menu again.

Package in cart - No redirection to cart

October 2018