Access cards


Create name lists

Sort access cards

December 2023

Under Tools / Access Cards you can now sort all access cards by Title / Name, Client, Created and Quantity.

Note in the album how many QR codes have been assigned

November 2023

If you are working with access cards, you will now see at the top of the album how many access cards have been assigned in that album.

Thus, you may be able to check at a glance whether all access cards have been recognized correctl.

Assign photos to multiple access card passwords

November 2023

We have improved the manual assignment of photos in the album. You can now assign photos to multiple passwords at once.

To do this, select the desired photos in the album and choose all passwords in the list at the bottom of the screen for which these photos should be displayed.

Access cards in A4 format without consent form

November 2023

There is a new format in which the access cards can be printed. In addition to the business cards, A6 format and A4 format with consent form, there is now also an A4 format without consent form.

The design of the new A4 format is the same as that for the A6 access cards.

With the help of your printer settings, you can print the new A4 format e.g. also as A5 format by printing 2 pages per sheet.

Create access cards with a list of names

October 2023

You can now upload a list with name, group / class and email address of the customers when creating new access cards. The lists can be imported as Excel or CSV file.

Add more access cards to existing list

April 2023

On the Access card passwords page you can now add more access cards on the bottom of the page. This way, you don't have to create a new list if you want to add latecomers yourself.

Multilingual access cards

March 2023

You can set the language when creating new access cards. 

If your clients sign up for the photo day online in advance and set a different language, associated access cards will be printed in the language selected by the client.

Pre-registration - pre-set classes / groups

March 2023

If you photograph a kindergarten or school and the parents register the children online, you can now already specify the groups or classes. The parents then only have to select the appropriate group or class in the online form and not enter it themselves. This avoids different spellings.

Group photos or only individual photos in the image package

March 2023

You can define in your packages at which position all photos, only group photos or only single photos can be selected.

This way, you can prevent your customers from ordering a group photo in the package as a download, for example. Or say that only a single photo may be selected at the position of the stickers.

Access cards sorted by classes or groups

January 2023

You can print out a list of access card passwords, children's names, and space for a comment from each class or group individually.

This way, you always keep an overview, even with large jobs.

Access cards can be filtered and sorted

January 2023

You can sort the list of passwords on the Access card passwords page by password, email address, name, class or group. 

You can also find a search box in the upper right corner to search for specific entries.

Log in with multiple access cards

November 2022

If you work with access cards and allow your clients to log in with multiple passwords at the same time, clients will now be asked if they want to enter another password after logging in with their phone or tablet.

This also alerts clients who scan the QR code that they can also log in with multiple passwords at the same time. 

All information about an access card

March 2022

It is now possible to get all information and photos belonging to an access card collected on an access card detail page. For example, you can delete individual photos across albums, see all orders & albums at a glance and track the last time of registration. Using the search function it is also possible to search for a specific access code and then go directly to the details page.

Sort and search access cards

March 2022

If you're shooting in schools and kindergartens, access cards are a great way to assign individual children. The access cards can be easily searched and sorted individually.

Names of the children in the album view

October 2021

In the admin section of your photographer store we now show you the names of the children in the album view. This makes it even easier to find a child and their photos. Alternatively, you can use the search at the top of each page and search for a password or client name.

Search for children

October 2021

You can now also enter a child's name in the global search in the admin section and find the correct access card.

You will then be automatically redirected to the new access card page where you will find all the information about that child.

Export of access cards in Excel and CSV format

October 2021

You can export access cards including children's names and stored email addresses in CSV and Excel format.

Show children

October 2021

We display the entered name of the children on business card and A6 access cards larger.

Original assignment - photos larger

October 2021

In the "Original assignment" in the client with access cards, the photos of the access cards are now displayed larger.

Redesign of albums with access codes in admin section

May 2018

Multiply minimum order value (for multiple codes at the same time)

April 2016

Log in with multiple access cards

December 2015

Download all access cards at once

December 2015